Short course on the Teachers’ Academic English for Science and Mathematics of the Pioneering International Standard School the year 2009
One of programs of the Institution of Education Quality Assurance (LPMP) of South-East Sulawesi in 2009, is the implementation of short course about increasing the teachers of the Pioneering International School quality.
The objectives of this program are to increase:
1. The teachers ability to communicate concept, fact and principle in English for Science and Mathematics
2. An understanding of academic English for Science and Mathematics
3. Creativity and teachers professionalism for Science and Mathematics
Subject of this program are 30 teachers of Science and Mathematics through out South-East Sulawesi in 2009. This program is focused on six schools, categorized as Pioneering International Standard School. They are SMAN 1 Kendari, SMPN 1 Kendari, SMPN 9 Kendari, SMPN 2 Kolaka, SMPN 2 Unaaha and SMPN 1 Bau-Bau.
All financial consequences of this program are provided by DIPA LPMP Sultra fiscal year. This program is held on August 31st – 3th 2009 in LPMP VIP hall.
Facilitator in this program are Lecturer of Haluoleo University and Widyaiswara LPMP. They are Dr.Muhammad Anas, M.Si, Dr. Alauddin Madjid, M.Pd, La Siara, S.Pd.,M.Pd, Rahmawati, M.Si and Roslan Latuconsina, M.Si.
The main material are:
1. Teaching Mathematics and Science to English Learners
2. English for Mathematics and Science: fact, concept and principle.
3. Teaching Material Design (Lesson Plan, Power point, and Student Worksheet)
4. Peer teaching
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